Read more about fettabsaugung türkei here. Your doctor might recommend wearing a compression garment, which will help reduce inflammation and swelling while promoting healing. The swelling should start to go down after a week of rest and care but can get more pronounced than days before due to your level of activity and motion.
With your consent, the pictures may be used to demonstrate the before-after effects of liposuction. Responsibilities such as children, pets and house chores should also be carefully considered before the procedure. Sleep is extremely important for your recovery, so plan your first recovery week in a way where you literally don’t have to do anything but stay in your bed and rest. Certain foods, beverages, medications, supplements and even activities may be restricted by your surgeon for a time period before and after the procedure. It is important to put safety first and take these instructions as gospel. If you do decide to proceed with a particular surgeon, ask them any questions you may have in regards to the preparation, logistics and recovery. Patients usually get back to work within 2 weeks of the procedure, but most feel like they’ve recovered after the first month.
However, your results may vary depending on your individual situation. Some patients report experiencing lingering swelling and tightness in their abdomen. Other patients report experiencing increased sensitivity in their nipples. It is important to take any prescribed pain medications as directed by your doctor during the recovery process. Additionally, you may experience some residual swelling and moderate discomfort for up to 4 weeks after the procedure.
This procedure doesn’t provide immediate results, which sometimes makes people believe that the treatment hasn’t worked. Knowing what to expect from liposuction can help you set realistic expectations and achieve your desired results. If you’re exercising a part of the body that wasn’t operated on, you only need to wait 2 or 3 days. But if you got fat removed from your arms, and want to get in a good bicep workout, that’s going to have to wait up to 2 weeks. Once you’re past week 6, even the most aggressive of liposuction procedures should have fully healed, assuming the patient was in a fine health condition before and after the operation. If you are at least 18 years of age and concerned about stubborn pockets of excess fat, there is a good chance you will qualify for liposuction.
Why Choose BPS for Your Liposuction in Atlanta
However, since there will be fewer fat cells left, they will tend to stay in better proportion to the rest of the body even if a few pounds are gained after liposuction. The next step in the process is scheduling your procedure, and having the actual surgery. Liposuction procedures are done at the Chastain Surgery Center, dedicated solely to cosmetic plastic surgery, and is Atlanta’s Premier AAAASF accredited ambulatory surgery center. This brand new facility is not only beautiful but it was designed to provide our patients with the utmost in comfort and luxury.
Choose Synergy Wellness Center for Alternative Liposuction Treatment
For your skin to heal itself, it needs a sufficient amount of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Amino acids will facilitate rapid skin healing by providing some of the building blocks necessary to build a special type of protein, collagen. If you’re craving a particular food, consider why you may be craving that food. For instance, you may be craving a hamburger because your iron levels are low.
Here is a closer look at how the process works at Sono Bello and what goes into providing patients with the procedures they need to achieve their ideal body shape. Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure and should be considered a form of body sculpting. For those in the throes of liposuction recovery, it may be tempting to snack all day or order takeout because it can be difficult to cook healthy meals at home.