Read more about Keramikversiegelung mit Garantie here. Whether using a standard two bucket method, or waterless wash system, the objective is simple. Remove debris as safely and efficiently as possible without instilling damage or adding any polymers or fillers that could affect performance of the coating.
Cover the whole car using this technique and buff off the coating at regular times as per instructions. Leave the car as it is now for 24 hours so the outer layer of the coating can harden enough so it cannot be affected by outside particles, debris, or water that easily.
They are more durable than similar paint protection products like car wax or paint sealant. Expect them to last up to a year or two before their quality starts to decline, and you may need to apply the product again. However, while the ceramic coating lasts on your car’s paint job, you will enjoy every bit of it. From its glorious sheen, which enhances car pride for you, to the extra value it will add to your car when you decide to sell it, investing in having a ceramic-coated car never goes wrong.
Most likely, the surface contamination is masking the ceramic coating’s hydrophobic properties. In short, vehicles must be washed regularly to maintain an automotive ceramic coating’s optimal water behavior characteristics and longevity.
Hiring a professional means knowing your car will be in the best hands. Once your car is completely clean, decontaminated, and scratch-free, you can move on to the final step.
The fortunate thing is that rain water is much softer in comparison to tap water, so it’s not quite as problematic and hopefully the coating will have cured enough to withstand any damage. However, it’s not necessary, as the coating itself provides even better, long-lasting protection than waxing.
Professional Care Makes Maintenance Easy:
If bugs or bird bombs hit your vehicle, we recommend removing them immediately with a gentle mix of waterless wash (CarPro Echo works great). Always use high grade (minimum of 70/30 blend) microfiber towels and discard after using to remove bugs or bird bombs. Both bird bombs and bugs can etch and cause damage if left on the surface even if only for a few hours. Sunlight does not damage ceramic coating as long as it has already been fully cured for at least one day. Keeping it from sunlight or extreme weather exposure will help the chemicals set much faster. In fact, once the ceramic coating is applied, it can even help block UV rays, protecting your vehicle’s paint. As for all things DIY ceramic coating related, feel free to hit-up one of our AvalonKing customer care specialists.
Bird droppings can etch and eat through clear coat within minutes, so we do recommend using a quick detailer to remove any droppings as soon as possible. Bug splatter is also extremely harmful to your finish and we recommend removing them whenever possible.
This frequency allows you to remove surface contaminants and environmental debris that may have accumulated over time. Regular washing prevents contaminants from bonding with the ceramic coating and causing potential damage to your car’s paintwork. By adhering to a bi-weekly wash routine, you can enjoy the long-lasting benefits of your ceramic coating and keep your car looking pristine. As mentioned, ceramic coatings boast low surface energy, which keeps water from attaching and spreading across the car. While car waxes achieve a water resistance that causes water to bead neatly on the surface, ceramic coatings instead direct water straight toward the ground in sheets. When it comes to drying and avoiding the damaging effects of sitting water, a ceramic coating’s ability to shed water has clear advantages. With attentive hand washing done regularly, you can remove these contaminants before they can do extensive damage.
Once the wheels have been cleaned properly, rinse the area using water with the pressure washer. Brake dust is notoriously difficult to clean if not using brake dust cleaner. It is important to dry all wet surfaces because most waters contain minerals that will stay on the paint’s surface after the water dries. Others just want the cool hydrophobic effect so they can stare at the beating water as it sheets off. Are you looking for a distinct brand of high-quality interior and exterior cleaning, detailing, and ceramic coatings? If this is the case, please visit
Vehicle Enhancement Inc. to learn more about the services we provide. Our ceramic coatings will make your car’s paint look new and shiny, like an exotic jewel, while also increasing its durability.